Watch Jason Bourne (2016) Online Free Download

Watch Jason Bourne (2016) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Jason Bourne
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 2h 3m
  • Rating: 6.6
  • Genres: Action, Thriller
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Summary Jason Bourne (2016)

The CIA's most dangerous former operative is drawn out of hiding to uncover more explosive truths about his past.

Jason Bourne is again being hunted by the CIA. It begins when Nicky Parsons a former CIA operative who helped Bourne, who went under and now works with a man who's a whistle blower and is out to expose the CIA's black ops. Nicky hacks into the CIA and downloads everything on all their Black Ops, including Treadstone which Bourne was a part of. And Heather Lee, a CIA agent, discovers the hack and brings it to the attention of CIA Director Dewey, the man behind the Black Ops. He orders Parsons be found and, hopefully, Bourne, too.

Jason Bourne, long absconding after his exposure of CIA's Operation Blackbriar, is traced by the CIA to be living in Greece. Officers & vested interests in the CIA try to get hold of him for contrasting reasons before he gets the truth he seeks - of which he only has a clue from his father on how he was betrayed in operation Treadstone. Their paths cross in an International Technology event in Las Vegas. Does he get to settle scores with the betrayers?

A decade after he exposed Operation Blackbriar (as seen in The Bourne Ultimatum) and disappeared, Jason Bourne has finally recovered from his amnesia, isolating himself from the world and making a living by taking part in savage, bare-knuckle fighting bouts. In Reykjavík, Nicky Parsons, who has been collaborating with a hacktivist group led by Christian Dassault, hacks into the CIA's mainframe computer server to expose its black ops programs. This alerts Heather Lee, the head of the agency's cyber security operations division, and CIA director Robert Dewey. In the process, Parsons finds documentation concerning Bourne's recruitment into Treadstone and his father's role in the program. She travels to Athens to find and inform him..

Synopsis Jason Bourne (2016)

The film starts with a brief recap of David Webb (Matt Damon) when he first joined Treadstone, going into his training to become an assassin and into his new life as Jason Bourne. After exposing Blackbriar (in 'The Bourne Ultimatum'), Bourne has been hiding out in Greece for the past eight years. He engages in hand-to-hand combat with other men as a bare-knuckle fighter to make a living. One man he takes on gets knocked out in one punch.

In Iceland, Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) goes to a secure location with other hackers and whistle-blowers. She gets into the CIA's mainframe servers and downloads the Black Ops files. Simultaneously in Langley at CIA headquarters, Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander), the head of the Cyber Ops Division, sees what's going on and reports it to her superiors. As Heather tries to fix the problem, Nicky looks through the classified files on the CIA's programs, starting with Treadstone. It contains previously unknown information regarding Bourne, as well as his father, Richard Webb (Gregg Henry). It turns out that the CIA had David Webb under surveillance before he volunteered for Treadstone. Nicky gets what she needs and burns the evidence.

Meanwhile, Heather speaks to CIA director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) about the situation. They suspect that this involves Bourne. Dewey fears that Bourne could jeopardize their latest program, Iron Hand. He contacts a former Blackbriar operative known only as the Asset (Vincent Cassel). He holds a personal grudge against Bourne, considering him a traitor for leaving the program and outing their actions to the world. Dewey orders the Asset to go after Bourne.

Nicky finds Bourne in Greece as people are rioting in the streets. She informs him of what she's found out and how she can help him. The Asset finds both of them and sets up his rifle to kill them. Bourne takes a motorcycle and rides away with Nicky down the streets. They don't get far as the Asset's bullet strikes Nicky, causing them to swerve and hit a wall, leaving Nicky in the street. Bourne crawls away to try and cover her. He barely makes a move and the Asset hits Nicky with a fatal bullet, but not before she tosses Bourne a key. Nicky dies and Bourne is left with regret.

The next scene shows a convention being held for a program called Deep Dream with its founder, Aaron Kalloor (Riz Ahmed), being one of the main guests to speak. Deep Dream is meant to be a social media program intended to give consumers the utmost privacy in their activities and businesses but Kalloor has been secretly working with Dewey and the CIA. Dewey wants to use Deep Dream for surveillance purposes through Iron Hand, which Kalloor is not comfortable with.

Bourne takes the key to a train station where he finds a safe box containing the classified information. He travels to Berlin to meet with Nicky's former associate, Christian Dassault (Vinzenz Kiefer). With Christian's help, Bourne views files that reveal that his father had been involved with the CIA and Treadstone. This triggers memories in Bourne's head on the last day that he saw Richard. He claimed that he had to leave his son to take care of something. Before he finds out anything else, Bourne is forced to flee once again when Christian attempts to kill him but Bourne subdues him and escapes from the building and away from another CIA team after Heather sends him a text tipping him off to the arrival of the CIA team.

Heather talks her superiors into letting her speak to Bourne so that she can personally bring him in. Dewey just wants Bourne dead.

Bourne goes to London and meets with a former CIA agent/Treadstone associate named Malcolm Smith (Bill Camp). Heather and some of her operatives are nearby in Paddingston Square while the Asset is moving in on Bourne. From Smith, Bourne learns that he was under surveillance for recruitment after Richard decided to abandon Treadstone and expose the CIA's dealings. Richard was killed with his death set up to look like a terrorist attack and being the incentive for Bourne to join in the first place. Soon, the Asset starts to go after Bourne. The Asset shoots and kills Smith and Bourne flees. Bourne recognizes the Asset as his father's true killer.

Bourne disappears into the crowd but Heather finds him. She wants to help him get rid of Dewey even though her reason is so she can take his job. Heather helps Bourne get past immigration to reenter the US.

A convention is held in Las Vegas for Deep Dream with Dewey and Kalloor being the main guests. The Asset is getting ready to kill Kalloor, as Dewey had planned since Kalloor intends to expose Iron Hand. Bourne finds the Asset and intervenes. Kalloor gets shot but non-fatally. Bourne moves on to find Dewey and confront him for all the lies that he's been fed. Dewey says Bourne won't find peace until he admits to himself who he really is. Dewey is about to shoot Bourne when Heather arrives and shoots Dewey dead.

Bourne pursues the Asset as the villain hijacks a police van. The police follow the van while Bourne takes his own path to track down the Asset. A chase ensues down the Vegas strip with the Asset plowing through a number of cars on the street. Bourne drives fast and high enough to slam into the top of the van. The Asset runs for it but Bourne corners him in a tunnel. They engage in a brutal fight, ending with Bourne breaking the Asset's neck.

Kalloor recovers from his wound and continues to do his work and he is more than likely going to blow the lid off Iron Hand's work.

In Washington, Heather meets with the Deputy Director to discuss what Dewey had done as well as the opportunity to start anew with her being promoted to his former position. She still intends to bring Bourne in herself but if she can't she agrees that Bourne needs to be 'put down'. Heather meets with Bourne and tries to talk him into going with her but he instead tells her he will think about it. When Heather goes back to her car, she finds a recorder that shows Bourne filmed her whole conversation with the Deputy Director, leaving her pissed.

In the final shot, Bourne walks away down through the park as the song "Extreme Ways" plays over the end credits.
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