Watch Spectre (2015) Online Free Download

Watch Spectre (2015) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Spectre
  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 2h 28m
  • Rating: 6.8
  • Genres: Adventure, Action, Thriller
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Summary Spectre (2015)

A cryptic message from James Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover the existence of a sinister organisation named SPECTRE. With a new threat dawning, Bond learns the terrible truth about the author of all his pain in his most recent missions.

A cryptic message from the past sends James Bond (Daniel Craig) on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra (Monica Belluci), the beautiful and forbidden widow of an infamous criminal. Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organisation known as S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Meanwhile, back in London, Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott), the new head of the Centre of National Security, questions Bond's actions and challenges the relevance of MI6, led by M (Ralph Fiennes). Bond covertly enlists Miss Eve Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and Q (Ben Whishaw) to help him seek out Dr. Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux), the daughter of his old nemesis Mr. White (Jesper Christensen), who may hold the clue to untangling the web of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. As the daughter of the assassin, she understands Bond in a way most others cannot. As Bond ventures towards the heart of S.P.E.C.T.R.E., he learns a chilling connection between him and the enemy he seeks.

After the events of Skyfall (2012), James Bond (Daniel Craig) has come out a troubled man. His mentor, M (Dame Judi Dench), is dead. MI6 is crumbling under a newer, high-tech organization led by the mysterious Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott). However, while in Mexico City, Bond finds an Italian hitman trying to bomb a major parade, and stops him. He finds a ring on his finger with a strange symbol on it. When he soon realizes that this symbol is showing up at terrorist attacks all over the world, he must traverse the world to find out the truth behind the chilling organization known as S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and his blood-curdling connection to it and its leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Christoph Waltz).

James Bond (Daniel Craig) is back. He is in Mexico pursuing a hitman. He kills the man, but not after making a scene. When he returns to England, his boss M (Ralph Fiennes) is not happy because a government man known as "C" (Andrew Scott) is trying to shut down the 00 network and replace it with a new surveillance system which will essentially put an end to privacy. M tells Bond to stand down, and he has Q (Ben Whishaw) inject him with a tracking device. Bond reveals to Miss Eve Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) why he was in Mexico. He asks her to help him by getting some information on certain people. He asks Q to make sure no one knows he left the U.K. and goes to Italy to talk to the hitman's wife. After talking to her, he goes to a meeting of an organization, and when he's discovered, they try to kill him, but he escapes. Moneypenny tells him who the person he is looking for is, and it turns out to be someone he knows. He goes to him and asks him to tell him about the organization. He initially refuses until Bond realizes he is in fear for his daughter, so Bond promises to protect her. Which he tries to do, but she doesn't want him around. But when someone tries to grab her, he saves her, and she agrees to help him.

After the death of his beloved boss M (Dame Judi Dench), James Bond (Daniel Craig) receives a posthumous message which sends him on the hunt for a deadly assassin. But then a mysterious symbol appears on a ring which sends Bond on a personal vendetta which started in Mexico City. He comes across the widow of his target who gives him information regarding a sinister organization known only as S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Bond's trail leads him to a conversation with an old nemesis while retrieving information on his daughter, Dr. Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux), who might hold some crucial information to cracking S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'s secrets. Meanwhile, the new M (Ralph Fiennes) is having to fight political interference from the mysterious Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott) to keep the MI6 spy branch alive. As Bond pieces together all of the clues about S.P.E.C.T.R.E., he finds out a horrifying secret which links him and the enemy whom he must kill.

James Bond (Daniel Craig) hunts and kills a criminal kingpin in Mexico City. It was an unsanctioned kill, and the repercussions are swift and dire. He is suspended and his movements tracked 24/7 via his blood. However, this won't stop our intrepid hero. He is on the track of a massive criminal syndicate, an organization whose name he does not know. All he has is a ring with its octopus-like symbol. It transpires that the secrets to the organization lie with the daughter of a long-time enemy of his, and his own childhood.

After carrying out an unauthorised kill, James Bond uncovers the exsistence of a sinister organisation named SPECTRE. As M battles political forces to keep the 00 section alive, Bond embarks on a personal mission to discover the connection he has with the group's leader and thwart their global surveillance network.

Synopsis Spectre (2015)

James Bond is in Mexico City on the Day of the Dead looking for an Italian named Marco Sciarra, the latter is meeting with associates in an apartment block, Bond listens via a bug over the meeting. They speak of conducting a terror attack on a stadium, then Sciarra will go to see someone known as "The Pale King", Bond opens fire triggering a briefcase bomb which destroys most of the building. Sciarra leaves the building and Bond chases him to the city square where an escape helicopter lands, Bonds boards and scuffles with Sciarra and the pilot, Bond steals a ring off of Sciarra and then ejects him and the pilot from the craft in the continued brawl, Bond flies off and exams the ring which bears an octopus motif.

Back in London the incident in Mexico has reached the media, M is furious over Bond conducting an unauthorized mission as MI6 is in the middle of a shake up, merging with MI5 and the possibility of cancellation of the 00 program. When Bond seems to be evading questions M grounds him from duty, as he leaves he encounters Max Denbigh/C, the new Director-General of Joint Intelligence Service, a global surveillance network which aims to launch its own spy program "Nine Eyes".

Bond leaves the building and Moneypenny approaches him with personal effects from Skyfall, Bond asks for them to be brought to his place personally at 9pm. Moneypenny arrives at the requested time, she asks what was he doing in Mexico, he's still evasive, when pressed he plays a recorded message from the previous M before her death, ordering Bond to find and kill Sciarra and attend his funeral. The funeral occurs in three days in Rome, Bond asks Moneypenny to research the name "The Pale King" while he goes to Rome quietly. Bond looks through the effects and finds his adoption certificate and a photograph of him with his foster father, another boy is in the photo but his side of the photo has been burned. The next day Tanner takes Bond to Q's lab by the river, he informs Bond on the demolition of the old MI6 building after the bombing from Silva, a sleek glass building across the river was erected as the replacement for the British Intelligence. C is pushing for greater surveillance, purely digitized as he deems human agents obsolete and slow, recent terror attacks in Hamburg and Tunisia are veering government opinion in C's favor and the initiation of the Nine Eyes program will allow preemptive security against global terrorism.

In Q's lab Bond is injected with a nanochip code-named "Smart Blood" to track him as a precaution after his actions in Mexico, Q also provides Bond a watch fitted with an explosive. Bond asks Q to help him disappear, he asks Q to trust him, which Q is loathe to do, he does disclose that the Smart Blood is experimental and they will experience signal loss two days after transmission for a twenty-four hour interval. Moneypenny finds a thank you present from Bond on her desk and Q enters his lab to find the Aston Martin DB10 assigned to 009 missing, Bond has left a bottle of champagne in its place.

Bond has taken the Aston Martin to Rome to attend Sciarra's funeral, his widow, Lucia, is there. Bond follows her home and eliminates two hit men sent to kill her, she is ungrateful however as more will try again, she is to be killed for knowing too much about her husband's business. Bond however beds her to get whatever information he can, Marco was part of a global criminal syndicate, he leaves her but not before sending a message to his CIA friend Felix Leiter to get her to safety. Bond heads to a syndicate meeting gaining admittance with Marco's ring, various terrorists and criminals from all over the world are discussing their progress, with shares in human and drug trafficking, furthermore, the Nine Eyes program is their idea to counteract investigations against them and C is one of their number with the terror attacks to convince the world to permit Nine Eyes. The silhouetted leader appears whom everyone fears and respects, a number is asked to assassinate the Pale King, one loyal member volunteers, another steps forward for the position, Mr Hinx, a silent and strong man. He eliminates his opposition with ease and is given the mission.

The leader speaks, he knows James is there and where he's standing and even knows him personally, referring to him by the nickname "Cuckoo", Bond flees, Mr Hinx gives chase, they drive through the streets of Rome, Bond calls Moneypenny on the phone, she's uncovered the identity of the Pale King, the assassin known as Mr White/Quantum from Bond's previous missions, last seen in Austria. He asks another name examined, Franz Oberhauser, long believed dead. Bond escapes Hinx with backwards firing flamethrowers to blind his view and launching from the car in an ejector seat as the vehicle steers into the Tiber. Moneypenny searches the name Oberhauser, all she finds is a twenty-year old newspaper article on a father and son presumed dead in an avalanche.

In Tokyo C is pitching the Nine Eyes program to other countries, a vote is called, only the South African representatives refuse, the program is denied as it must be decided by unanimous vote, Tanner reads a news headline on the car chase in Rome which makes he and M worry that Bond has left without permission, M calls Q to confirm Bond's location, he is in Altuassee, Austria, Q has to lie that he's in Chelsea, London.

Bond has traced Mr White to a remote cabin fitted with cameras where he is in hiding and terminally ill from thallium poisoning. His boss poisoned him as punishment for deserting the syndicate, Mr White believed they'd gone too far. Bond can tell he's protecting someone, his daughter, he offers to protect her in exchange for the mastermind's location, Bond offers up his Walther as a sign of his word, White aims the gun at Bond and gives a name "L'Americain" along with his daughter's location, the Hoffler Clinic and shoots himself.

In London C gives M a tour of the new intelligence building, M asks if C has ever had to kill another human, the latter doesn't respond and plays the recording of Bond and Moneypenny's phone call, M is worried over C watching MI6 agents. Mr Hinx finds White's cabin and discovers his corpse and a surveillance camera showing his final moments. Bond arrives at the clinic, Mr White's daughter is a psychiatric and fitness doctor, Dr Madeleine Swann. Swann reads through Bond's form to evaluate, the final question asking what his occupation is which is left blank, Bond confesses he's an assassin, Swann is fearful that he's there to kill her, he denies it along with killing her father, and that he made a promise to him, when he references L'Americain Swann throws him out. At the clinic bar Q approaches Bond, he insists that Bond return to England and that Franz Oberhauser is dead, Bond knows otherwise, he asks Q to analyze the ring, Q heads off to the Pevsner hotel while security sees Bond off the premises, he resists when he spots Hinx and his goons abduct Swann.

They drive off in a convoy of jeeps and Bond chases them in a plane, more goons corner Q on a cable car and he escapes through a crowd. Bond crashes the convoy and saves Swann, the latter is enraged as it's likely Bond led them to her, he convinces her to follow him to Q. At the hotel Bond clarifies to Q that Swann knows about the organization and Q discloses his findings, Franz Oberhauser is alive and is the leader of the criminal organization Bond is pursuing and all the villains of the Bond's past missions were members, Swann knows the organization is named Spectre, as her father was one of them. Q switches on the T.V. to show a terror attack in Cape Town, Bond advises Q go back to London while he looks for L'Americain, Swann says it's a place, a hotel in Tangier.

It was where Mr White spent his honeymoon and he visited it every year, Bond ransacks the place looking for clues, he finds nothing save a bottle of alcohol, Swann says she dissociated herself from her father and his criminal profession and goes to sleep. In the middle of the night Bond wakes up and sees a mouse scurry into a hole in the wall, he finds a secret room behind it, inside is an assortment of contraband including a tracking console to locate Oberhauser's phone. A list of co-ordinates on the wall point to empty desert in North Africa.

In London M hurries to Whitehall and learns that the South Africans have accepted Nine Eyes after the terror attack, the program launches in under 72 hours. C is elected head of the committee and the 00-program is terminated per the Home Secretary's orders. Bond and Swann take a train across desert to the supposed location of Oberhauser, back in London Moneypenny and Q show M satellite photos of a lair in the African desert which shows Bond is going, M says they cannot help him as C will spot it, Q is ordered to delete the Smart Blood data as safety, Bond must go it alone.

Bond and Swann drink a toast on the train which is interrupted by a surprise attack from Hinx, he and Bond battle to the cargo car, Hinx nearly throws Bond out of the door, he's stopped when Swann shoots him in the arm with Bond's gun. Hinx attempts to strangle Swann, Bond wraps a rope around Hinx's neck with a hook at the other end attaching it a canister which Bond kicks off the train dragging Hinx out with it. Bond and Swann arrive at an abandoned station in the middle of the desert, after a lengthy wait a chauffeur driving a 1948 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith collects them and they are driven to Oberhauser's base in a crater. They are taken to separate rooms, in Bond's room is a framed photograph of him with his foster father Hannes and brother Franz, whom Bond recognized in Rome. In Swann's room is a framed photo of her as a child with her father. They are called to meet Oberhauser, he takes them to a large surveillance room and shows Bond live footage of M announcing his departure to MI6, then he reveals all of Bond's tragedies he faced through his career where orchestrated by him, then he plays footage from White's cabin of Bond negotiating with White and White's suicide.

Bond is knocked out and taken to an operating room where Oberhauser is explaining torture to Swann, that the best method is to infiltrate the human mind, where the soul is. He demonstrates this on Bond who is restrained in a mechanical chair and drills bore into strategic places in his skull. Oberhauser explains that his father took Bond in after the loss of his parents and grew attached to him, Franz felt resentful, feeling that Bond was invading, comparing him to a cuckoo bird, when a cuckoo hatches in the nest of another bird it forces the other eggs out. Franz murdered his father and faked his own demise taking the name Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the surname taken from his mother's bloodline. Bond slips his watch loose and hands it to Swann and instructs her to arm the bomb and throw it across the room to Blofeld, and explosion releases Bond from captivity, he and Swann escape with Bond shooting most of the guards and triggering a gas explosion that destroys the entire lair.

In London Bond summons M, Q, Moneypenny and Tanner to a secret location to inform them of C's Spectre association and the danger of Nine Eyes, they drive to C's intelligence center, Bond and M are in the front car which is driven off the road, Bond is taken hostage while M escapes and hops into the rear car. Bond is taken to the old MI6 building, shooting his captors and going alone. C enters the intelligence center and receives word that M has eluded capture, he activates his laptop but is locked out, Q is attempting to shut down the Nine Eyes system and M intends to arrest C, C however insists that his method will stamp out terrorism and draws a gun on M, however M removed the bullets.

Bond navigates the ruins of the MI6 building, photos of all those he saw die through his career are plastered on the walls as mind games, Bond finds Blofeld alive in a bulletproofed interrogation room, the explosion has scarred his right eye. He has captured Swann and held somewhere in the building then sets the building's demolition's charges to a three-minute countdown and leaves through a back door to a helipad. Bond rushes through the building and finds Swann, they jump through a hole to safety net and take a jet boat out as the building collapses around them. Q has deactivated Nine Eyes and M is leading C out of his top floor office when Blofeld's helicopter provides C a distraction to wrestle for the gun, M fires at the glass ceiling and C slips on the shards falling over the railing to the floor below and dies.

Bond and Swann chase after Blofeld, Bond lands a shot on the helicopter's engine causing it to crash on Westminster Bridge. Blofeld has injured his leg, Bond aims his pistol at him, Blofeld goads him to shoot, Bond refuses and lets him be arrested and he's out of ammunition. M arrests Blofeld as Bond leaves with Swann.

The follow morning Bond visits Q one last time to take Aston Martin DB5 and drive off with Swann.
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