Watch Patriots Day (2016) Online Free Streaming

Watch Patriots Day (2016) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Patriots Day
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 2h 13m
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
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Summary Patriots Day (2016)

The story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the aftermath, which includes the city-wide manhunt to find the terrorists responsible.

On April 15, 2013 Boston, Massachusetts, Police Sgt, Tommy Saunders is pulling security duty on the annual Boston Marathon when the Tsarnaev brothers strike with their homemade bombs in an act of terrorism. In the resulting chaos as the wounded are cared for, Saunders and his comrades join forces with the FBI to get to the bottom of this attack. As the investigation continues, the Tsarnaev brothers realize that the authorities are close to identifying them and attempt to flee the city to continue their fanatical mayhem. To stop them, a police manhunt is performed that would have bloody confrontations and a massive dragnet shutting down the City of Boston to make sure there is no escape from the law.

The events of the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013, mostly seen through the eyes of Boston Police Department's Sergeant Tommy Saunders, plus other people involved, including the perpetrators. We see everything unfold, from the lead up to the marathon, to the bombing, to the manhunt for the killers.

The movie begins on April 14, 2013, a day before the marathon. The next day, brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev detonate two bombs during the Boston Marathon, causing widespread panic. A young couple, Patrick Downes and Jessica Kensky, are injured and taken to separate hospitals, where they are both required to have their legs amputated. Steve Woolfenden, a family man, is also injured and separated from his toddler son, Leo, who is taken by the police to a safe location.

On the last day of his suspension--as Massachusetts prepares for the demanding annual Boston Marathon--reluctantly, the injured Boston police sergeant, Tommy Saunders, arrives at the bustling with people finish line, on April 15, 2013. Amid enthusiastic but unsuspecting spectators, the terrorist Tsarnaev brothers plant two lethal home-made pressure-cooker bombs, and at the height of the event, they remotely set them off, killing three people, and maiming 264 civilians. Now--during the following four days, and with the city plunged into chaos--a relentless area-wide manhunt begins, as the authorities, the F.B.I., and Tommy's comrades-in-arms comb the town to track down the murderers. Will the Bostonians let hate stain Patriots' Day?

Synopsis Patriots Day (2016)

Sunday, April 14, 2013, one day before the blast.

The film opens with Sergeant Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg) and two other police officers trying to get a suspect named Harrold (Rhet Kidd) to open his apartment door. Tommy kicks the door down with such force that he injures his knee. He manages to catch Harrold before Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman) arrives. Tommy tells Davis that he hurt his knee kicking a perp in the mouth as the officers arrest Harrold.

A couple named Patrick Downes (Christopher O'Shea) and Jessica Kinsky (Rachel Brosnahan) are having a meal as they discuss going to the marathon later that day. Patrick tries to get Jessica to speak with a Boston accent.

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a group of students are working on a project of theirs as Officer Sean Collier (Jake Picking) goes to visit one of his friends, Li (Lana Condor), regarding concert tickets.

Tommy gets home late and wakes up his wife Carol (Michelle Monaghan) as he stumbles through his closet.

Monday, April 15th, 2013, Patriots Day.

As the sun is rising, a Chinese exchange student named Dun Meng (Jimmy O. Yang) talks to his parents via a video chat and shows them his new car, a large black Mercedes. His parents comment that he must be very tired. Dun then goes out for his morning run.

Tommy does his morning workout and goes to find that Carol put his uniform together for him. He puts it on, kisses Carol goodbye, and goes off to work.

Meanwhile, Katherine Russell (Melissa Benoist) is tending to her daughter while her husband Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Themo Melikidze) and his brother Dzokhar (Alex Wolff) are planning for something together. Dzokhar doesn't seem entirely sure about what is to come, while Tamerlan tells him that they are working in the name of Islam. Tamerlan then hugs his brother.

In nearby Watertown, Sergeant Jeffrey Pugliese (JK Simmons) gets up and goes to the nearby Dunkin Donuts to get his wife a blueberry muffin.

The Patriots Day marathon is being set up as officers and citizens continue coming in. Steve Woolfenden (Dustin Tucker) and his son Leo (Lucas Thor Kelley) are there to watch his wife compete in the race. Patrick and Jessica arrive and join the crowd. Sean and his buddies watch from home. Carol shows up in the crowd to bring Tommy something. Before the race begins, there is a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Newtown school shooting.


Tamerlan and Dzokhar arrive at the race. They split up and carry backpacks with them, dropping them off a few blocks away from each other before disappearing.


As the runners are heading down the street, an explosion goes off. Before most people can react, another explosion goes off a few blocks down. The police spring into action while medics start tending to the wounded. Both Patrick and Jessica are severely injured. Steve is also injured by the blast, but Leo is uninjured. A medic tends to Steve while an officer takes Leo somewhere safe. Tommy finds Carol safe and urges her to get home. Other runners and fans are severely injured with some of their limbs blown off or mangled.

3:35pm, 45 minutes after the blast.

Once things have settled in the area and everyone has been cleared out, the police meet with FBI Special Agent in Charge Rick Deslauriers (Kevin Bacon). After learning the details, Rick doesn't want to initially label the incident as an act of terrorism so as to not create even more panic, but they come to the conclusion that this was indeed done by terrorists. Rick has all the authorities working on the case to set up shop at the Black Falcon Terminal so that they may conduct their investigation.

The Tsarnaevs see reports of their attack all over the news and decide to keep a low profile.

6:50pm, 4 hours after the blast.

Tommy goes around the city trying to find leads. He meets with Jessica's family while she and Patrick are both comatose and have had their legs amputated in separate hospitals.


Dun Meng picks up the take out order of Chinese food.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 17 hours after the blast.

The president orders the flags in the entire U.S. to fly at half-staff until further notice. Tommy goes home and finds neighbours and friends all clamouring and asking who is responsible. Tommy becomes distressed and screams at everyone to get out. He breaks down in Carol's arms over what he has just witnessed and vows to "find these guys before they do this to somebody else".

Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 41 hours after the blast.

An analyst at the terminal reviews security footage from the marathon prior to the explosion. He spots Dzokhar wearing a white cap and being the only one to look in the opposite direction from everyone else. They also manage to get footage of Tamerlan. Rick is hesitant about putting the pictures out because he thinks it might give the suspects an advantage since there isn't concrete proof that they were the culprits. He also worries that should they be Muslim, it will create anti-Muslim paranoia and fear. Rick chooses not to release the photos, but Davis demands that they do.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

President Obama arrives in Boston for a speech inside the church. Pugliese has his own team in Watertown conducting their investigation into the bombings.

3:30pm, 73 hours after the blast.

Ed Davis wants to release the pictures so that the public can find out who did it. Releasing the pictures can cause draw the bombers' attention.

5:05pm, 74 hours after the blast

One of Dzokhar's college buddies is in his dorm smoking a bong. They look into his bag for more weed but find a number of materials used to create a bomb (e.g. fireworks and vaseline).

9:15pm, 78 hours after the blast.

The brothers go out at night and find Sean sitting in his patrol car after responding to a nearby disturbance. They approach his car, and Tamerlan shoots Sean in the face. Dzokhar tries to grab Sean's gun, but Sean fights him off. Just before Sean fights back, Tamerlan finishes him off by continuing to shoot with the gun.

10:40pm, 80 hours after the blast.

Afterwards, they come across Dun in his Mercedes and they carjack him at gunpoint. Tamerlan drives away and asks Dun if he believes Muslims were responsible for 9/11. Dun admits to not knowing much about 9/11 as Tamerlan claims the U.S. government was responsible for those attacks.

The brothers then stop at a gas station. Since one gas pump does not accept credit cards, this gives Dun Meng the chance he needs to escape. Just before Dzhokhar leaves the store, Dun quickly bolts from the car before Tamerlan can react. Running as fast as he can, Dun reaches another nearby convenience store and frantically tells the clerk to call 911. The brothers get away but Tommy arrives at the scene to talk to Dun. He tells Tommy that the carjackers are the marathon bombers and are planning to do another explosion in New York. To Tommy's amazement, Dun gives Tommy the GPS tracking number to his car so they can find them.

Friday April 19, 2013, 12:40am

With this invaluable lucky break, the police trace the car to Watertown. Tamerlan is confronted and starts to open fire on an officer, engaging in an epic shootout. Backup then arrives. Dzokhar throws bombs at the police while Tamerlan shoots at them. Pugliese and Tommy rush to the scene. Tamerlan is eventually shot multiple times. Dzhokhar drives away and finishes his own brother off by running him over.

1:35am, 82 hours after the blast.

Tamerlan is taken to the hospital where doctors try to revive him, but he is pronounced dead.


Ed Davis sets up the command center on the parking lot of the Watertown Mall. Devau announces that they will lock down Boston until further notice.

8:40am, 89 hours after the blast.

The next day, the entire city of Boston is on lockdown as police continue to search for Dzokhar. His roommates are arrested in their dorm.

11:30am, 93 hours after the blast.

Katherine is also taken into custody to be questioned for any possible involvement in her husband's deeds. A woman police detective interrogates Katherine and presses her into giving up any information should there be more bombs out there. The woman tries to convince Katherine that Tamerlan didn't even care enough about her or their daughter, just as Katherine doesn't care enough about their child to disclose any information. Katherine stubbornly remains silent on the matter until the interrogators have to give up noting that although she likely knew of the attacks beforehand, they would never be able to prove it sufficiently to arrest her.

Across town, Patrick and Jessica are reunited, as are Steve and Leo.

6:35pm, 100 hours after the blast.

A man in the suburbs finds rolls outside on his lawn by his boat. He believes that Dzhokhar is hiding under the sheets in the boat. The police arrive, and Tommy goes over to confirm that Dzhokhar is indeed in the boat. More officers show up and demand Dzokhar to get out. They start shooting at the boat and setting off flares until Dzhokhar finally surrenders. He is slammed to the ground and taken into custody. Everyone at the terminal cheers when they hear the news. Tommy and his fellow officers go to a bar to celebrate their victory.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

David Ortiz thanks the police for capturing Dzhokhar. We then see a footage of a Boston Red Sox game with the real authorities portrayed in the film present, with everyone in the city showing off a newfound sense of pride and unity. The president has ordered the flags to fly at full-staff again.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged on thirty counts and sentenced to death by lethal injection. He is currently being held in federal prison while awaiting his appeal. His roommates were arrested for obstructing the investigation. Authorities and law enforcement continue to seek information regarding Katherine Russell's possible involvement in the bombings.

We then see video testimonies from the real people involved, including Ed Davis, Richard Deslauriers, Jeffrey Pugliese, Patrick Downes, Jessica Kinskey, and Steve Woolfenden and his wife Amber. They discuss the tragedy of the events, but also the strength and unity it brought them, and the massive support for the authorities and survivors. We see Patrick with a prosthetic leg as he would later run in the marathon and make it to the finish line. He is seen tearfully embracing Jessica.

Also shown are photos of the deceased victims (Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi and Martin Richard, as well as Officer Sean Collier, who was killed three days later by the duo). The film is dedicated to the victims, survivors, first responders, medics, and the law enforcement that were involved during the events.

NOTE: This film is based on a true story. However, some of the characters, names, locations and events have been changed and others have been fictionalized for dramatization purposes.

Rated R for language throughout, realistically graphic injury images, some drug use and violence.
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